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Can exes run a company together after divorce?

On Behalf of | Feb 14, 2024 | Divorce |

Divorce can significantly alter personal relationships, but it doesn’t necessarily have to spell the end for a joint business venture. With that said, it is undeniable that ex-spouses who decide to continue running a business together post-divorce face unique challenges and opportunities.

This situation requires a shift from a personal to a purely professional relationship that’s grounded in mutual respect, clear communication and well-defined boundaries. This transition is pivotal in maintaining a business’s success and can be facilitated via several key strategies.

Business agreements

Establishing clear and formal business agreements is essential. This involves defining roles, responsibilities and decision-making processes to prevent conflicts. It’s also important to agree on how profits will be divided and how future business decisions, including the potential sale of the business or the introduction of new partners, will be handled. Such agreements should ideally be put in writing.

Communication and boundaries

Effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful partnership, especially when former spouses continue to operate a business together. Establishing a professional tone is crucial, focusing on business matters and avoiding personal issues that may interfere with business operations.

Regular meetings should be scheduled to discuss business progress, set goals and address any concerns. Additionally, setting clear boundaries about what topics are off-limits and keeping personal life separate from business can help maintain a healthy working environment.

Conflict resolution strategies

Despite the best efforts, conflicts may arise. Having a predefined strategy for conflict resolution is vital. This might include agreeing to seek external advice or mediation when disputes can’t be resolved internally. It’s important to address any disagreements head-on, focusing on the business’s best interests rather than personal grievances. A commitment to resolving conflicts in a constructive manner can prevent them from escalating and affecting the business.

Continuing to operate a business together post-divorce requires some level of trust. Having a comprehensive contract can make this a bit easier. Working with a legal representative who can handle this and other aspects of the property division process is critical to ensure all necessary concerns are addressed proactively during the process.